Sunday, January 9, 2011

Class Discussion on Chapter 13

In today’s class, we discussed about Hester current situation.

First, Hester observes that Mr. Dimmesdale’s condition is getting worse every day and his nerve seemed absolutely destroyed. And she believes that there is terrible machinery interfering him all the time.

Second, people greatly changed their views to Hester. It has been seven year since Hester stood on the pedestal as a sinner. She makes money by herself, gives out food or clothes to the poor people, and brings warmth to the distressed family. She is so merciful and helpful that she gets the respect and love from the whole community. Additionally, many people do not consider her scarlet “A” as “Adultery” any more, but “Able.”

The last several paragraphs are a little bit complicated for me. I could not totally get the idea of them but I think it is a transfer paragraph and talks about herself and her child. I hope I can understand more in the further readings.

1 comment:

  1. I have made corrections to your blog entry in a Google document. Check your email about instructions. Hester has changed, but it seems clear that Hawthorne wants us to know that these changes are external. Hester has not changed inside. She has not repented of the wrong that brought her the scarlet letter. Hawthorne seems to be wrestling with his own mind about the effectiveness of the Puritan methods. Hester acts the right way, but she seems to retain a spirit of rebellion. Think about this idea now that we have finished the story.
