Although I am not a Christian actually, I think I still get the some of the spirits of the God by reading the article.
First of all, God gives his love to every creature. However, it is not always equal, because there is difference between people. Some people will have power and wealth. But it is this difference, people will have a goal to pursue, will enjoy the gifts by the upper governors.
In addition, as we know, the difference absolutely results in the poor and rich people. Even though there will be a gap between the two various class of people, we still need to respect and be friendly, kind to each other. With this relationship among people, just like the writer said, the rich will not eat up the poor while the poor will not rise up and shake off the yoke.
Last but not least, for avoiding the fight of power or wealth, people should be together like brothers. It is a connection beyond other things, and it will help people have a peaceful world filled with love.
I must apologize for the lack of comments on your blog. I am not sure how I have missed it. Your comments here show that you have a partial understanding of Winthrop's remarks. His point to his people was revolutionary for the time. He tells them that society is broken into rich and poor and those who rule and those in subjection, but he then explains that since they are going to create a new colony founded on the ideals of their Bible they are going to have to step beyond those limits. He explains that the rich may have to give almost everything to the poor; he explains that the poor will have to be patient and not fall into the mistake of trying to take what the rich have. In the end, he tells them, this new colony will have to make the love of God and his teachings central to all that they do and make it be real -- not just a subject to discuss as an abstract idea. For the time period, these ideas were quite a change.